Friday, February 25, 2011

Madeline Joy Rhodes aka Lenny

I have this beautiful friend named Maddy. She lives down the hall from me. I see her everyday and she always brightens up my day. She is so full of sunshine all the time. She is very encouraging, uplifting, loving, caring, understanding, and such a good listening. She offers such great advice too! Maddy really likes words. She is a Torrey (honors program) student and reads all the time. She wants to be an English teacher. Maddy likes to make up words and someday hopes to publish a "fictionary" filled with the words she makes up. She is a very knowledgeable person. She calls me Georgie and I call her Lenny. We wanted to give her the nickname Linny, short for Madeline, and then she said it reminded her of Lenny from the book Of Mice and Men. So Lenny kind of just stuck and she started calling me George because George and Lenny are good friends in the book/movie.  We like to go workout together. We pray together. We eat together sometimes. We have the same meal plan. And we're both learning military time! We even leave ransom notes for her roommate together. We have secret agent names and everything! Maddy is a PK. I like PK's:) Someday we decided we want to open a gym for senior citizens called George and Lenny's and we are going to have big yoga balls with handles so people can jump around on them without falling off(kind of like those little toys for toddlers..but bigger for adults). It will be great fun. Lenny and I go on many adventures in our life together. It is great fun! We always laugh together:) I am so blessed to have her as friend. She means so much to me. She is such a strong woman in the Lord and I'm grateful for her friendship:)

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