Monday, September 13, 2010

My ABC's of Biola

A-Alpha Soul :) best floor ever!
B-Banana Muffins: both my RA's like banana muffins and I like to bring them back from the caf and eat them later.  A lot of people like bananas on our floor.
C-Caf! The caf has delicious food. I haven't gotten the same thing twice(for the most part) except salad.  I can make a bomb salad now!
D-DBC: Dr. Barry Corey is our president and said that this is the happiest place on earth and I think it is better than Disneyland!
E-Eagles! There is a lot school spirit here and I love it!!
F-Foundations of Christian Thought is currently my favorite class
G-GOD is so amazing and I'm beyond blessed that He has placed me here at Biola:)
H-Hannah's-there are people named Hannah everywhere! Two on my floor!
I-Ice Cream in the caf is delish! I made a rootbeer float today. mmmm
J-Jesus Mural: Beautiful painting of Jesus near the caf
K- Knowing lots of people! I love meeting new people and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting people on my floor and in my classes.  Going on lunch dates with my friends is my favorite!
L- Late nights! I haven't been to bed before 12am one night since I've been here. I'm such a nigh owl.
M-Mail! I love to get mail ;)
N-nursing majors:there are a lot of them on my floor. They are the sweetest people:)
O-Open door: Our door is always open.  I love having company over. A lot!
P-papers: I've written paper after paper and still have more. Gotta love college!
Q- Quilt: I can't wait to get the quilt Grandma Lee is making me for my bed.  It's going to match all my frog stuff:)
R-RA's!!! I absolutely love RA's.  Not just my own but every RA I've met.  I decided RA's are like the football team that we don't have.  The celebs/coolest people on campus:)
S-Singspo.  Singspiration is an awesome worship service on Sunday nights! I love it so much!
T-Time time time: I feel like I have a lot of free time. What do I do with it? I've never had this before!
U-Unity: Our floor has an awesome community.
V- Very special place: God could not have placed me in a better place this year.  He has blessed me with an amazing group of friends and peers where I'm going to grow so much!
W- Will: I'm seeking God's Will in my life everyday.
X- Xtremely fun! This place is much fun and I am having sooo much fun! It has exceeded all my expectations and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the next four years!
Y- Young: My years here are going to be so magical and I love being young!
Z-Zeal.  DBC talked about having zeal at our first Chapel.

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