Sunday, February 10, 2013

Birthday Blessings

I am so blessed by an amazing family and incredible friends! After finishing Interterm, I got to go home for a few days and celebrate my birthday with my family. My mother being the hostess that she is said we could have people over and she would make a cake and blah blah blah but I wanted nothing more than to simply go out to dinner with my family and spend time relaxing with them. I so enjoyed a low key weekend going to dinner and spending time hanging out with my mom in the kitchen, doing stuff with my sister, playing guitar with my brother, and watching a movie with dad. My parents also took me to a running shoe store to get new running shoes for my half-marathon training. It was really cool to try shoes on that specifically support my arch time and run around the store to find the best fit. When we were sitting there I turned to my dad and said, "This is weird, I'm like almost a real runner." He chuckled and said, "There's a lot of things that are weird, like that you are going to be 21." The comments my dad make always make me smile. When I came back to school, I had RA training for two days. It was great to be reunited with my staff! On my staff, I am usually the one who coordinates birthday celebrations. Much to my surprise, when we came back from our lunch break, my staff had surprised me with gluten-free brownies and berries because they are my favorite! I felt so blessed and happy to be celebrating with them. The next morning, on my actually birthday, Ari and I got up and went to Necter for acai bowls. My. Current. Favorite. Thing. They are just so good! It was raining when we left school and the weather was kind of strange all day but it was great to spend the whole day with my best friend! After we had breakfast, she gave me a gift and it was new earrings (she knows how much I love to accessorize and "3-peat"!) and a new book from her mom. It is a book Ari got for Christmas and we had read a little bit together and I'm so thankful I have my own copy to read now and go through with her! When it had stopped raining, we went to the beach. I have always wanted to go to the beach for my birthday but with it being in January, that has never happened. So Ari and I went and sat on the beach for a few hours! While we were there, we read my new book, took pictures, listened to Taylor Swift, and our friend Elise met us there. Elise is such a gem! I adore her:) When Elise got there, we made guacamole, one of my favorite foods(yes ON the beach!). When Elise had to leave, and it got windy and cold, we went to the mall and went shopping. Ari is trying to expand my wardrobe from stripes and "teacher clothes" so she picked out lots of things for me to try on. We got a few tops and a dress! After that, we went to our favorite sushi place for dinner. Then we went to school to pick up friends and go to frozen yogurt at our favorite froyo place! Then, much to my surprise, we went back to my room, and my friends had decorated it for me and Lindsay got me the movie PITCH PERFECT!!!! Ahhhh I love that movie! So, naturally we went back to Ari and Tessa's apartment to watch it. Ari knows I love cinnamon rolls and Tessa loves to bake so they made homemade cinnamon rolls for us to eat! They were great! We ended the night with sparkling cider, laughter, and I was surrounded by so many amazing girls that God has brought into my life. I am so grateful to have gotten to spend part of my birthday with Elise, Bree, Lindsay, Tessa, Julia and ALL DAY with Ari:) I was so thankful for a day filled with all my favorite things and all my favorite people! We didn't do anything crazy, nothing over the top, just a day filled with simple joys and many, many blessings:)
So blessed by the people I love,

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