I really love New Years. Maybe it's because of the traditions of having a house full of people over on New Year's Eve and making lots of noise in the driveway at midnight, maybe it's sleeping in and waking up to watch the Rose Parade, or maybe it's the tradition of having pork roast and sauerkraut on New Year's Day. While these lovely things are all a part of the reason I love New Years, I think the sense of hope and excitement so many people feel is what makes today one of my favorite holidays.
So many people reflect on the many blessings from the last year and wait with eager expectation of what the next year holds and I can't help but praise God for his goodness and faithfulness in my life. This last year was filled with so many wonderful things and I am in awe of how great our God is. As I was reflecting on what 2013 held, I was blown away at God's faithfulness. I would say the highlights of last year were running two half-marathons when I never thought I would do that in a million years, working at Mount Hermon in Santa Cruz and learning what it meant to live an upside life and trust Jesus in a way I never had before, getting to plan events for AS at school as the Social Events Coordinator and realizing how much I truly LOVE planning events, and joining Crossfit Brea and getting to be a part of a new community I never imagined I would enjoy so much. Thinking about all the amazing experiences I had in the last year, God has been so incredibly faithful in providing work, friendships, endurance, and blessings in my life. At the very beginning of 2013, I registered for my first half-marathon. I had no idea what a life changing experience that would be! Working at Mount Hermon was such an amazing experience I will never forget and I am so thankful for every moment of this last summer. My job in AS planning events has been such a dream and I am so blessed to be in my position every day. I had no idea I would love my job and the people I work with so much. I think leaving my job in May is going to be one of the hardest parts about leaving Biola. Crossfit has been such a blessing in my life and I so thankful that God led me to Crossfit Brea last semester. I have enjoyed getting to know other people, loved working with new trainers, and have loved a new approach to fitness.
As I look ahead to 2014, I am so excited to see what our amazing and faithful God has in store. I'm not entirely sure of what the next year will look like but I know that God has never proven himself not faithful and he will not start now! He will guide me where I am supposed to work after graduation, provide a place to live, and help me finish college (and survive another dreadful TPA). This is going to be a year of new adventures and trusting the Lord like never before! With the uncertainty of what life will look like in just a few, short months, I find peace in knowing that God is SOVEREIGN. As you look ahead with expectations of what this new year will hold for you, rest in the grace and faithfulness of our sovereign Lord!