Monday, February 6, 2012

Hollywood Hike:)

This last weekend I hiked to the Hollywood sign with some friends for my birthday! It was so so sooooo great! It was a beautiful day and a great hike with wonderful company! We concluded the day with a picnic in the grass before we left. 'Twas a delightful day! Here are some pictures from our adventure:)
Froomies forever! I love Hannah:)

Janine..the most wonderful AS President!

Georgie and Lenny

AHHHH my favorite U.C. Sarah:)

Sweet Leah

My lovely roommate

Crazy Kori!

Beautiful Erin:)

Ari{Ella} and I..she looks like such a little kid;P

The view

Hiking down

The five of us beasted up a the path. We literally bear crawled up a mountain

The back of the letters

The whole group at the top!

Such a beautiful day!

Half way up!

The hill we conquered! We also helped a 50 year old woman climb the hill and she said it's always been her dream to make it to the top..and we helped her dreams come true:)

Love these beautiful ladies! So blessed by their friendship:)

Lovin nature, sunshine, hiking, and friends,

This Semester

It is going to be quite a semester! It's only day 5 of classes and it already feels like we've been in class for 5 weeks! I like most of my classes and my schedule is pretty good. I have four classes back to back on Monday and Wednesdays, Physical Science and a lab on Tuesdays, and just one Science lecture on Thursdays! CA History is my least favorite class. I really enjoy my Psych Foundations of Education class, I have an awesome professor for Theo II, Math for teachers is a joy and basically the same class as last semester, Physical science is, thank goodness I have Julia Bates in that class!, and my lab is going to be waaaaay easier than my bio lab last semester! There is lots of reading and I feel I am going to kill a forest with as many assignments and outlines I have to print out but it's all for a good cause right! Work should be interesting this semester too. We have over 25 events in the next four months! My oh my! I have been getting mostly a decent amount of sleep so far. It is going to be a difficult semester but my soul finds rest in the Lord. I'm so thankful that I don't have to face each day alone:)
Trying not to be overwhelmed,